Payment Methods

Currently, XOXOBOOM™ supports two payment methods: Paypal and Credit/Debit card. 


You can send payments quickly and securely online using PayPal. With PayPal, you can pay with a credit card, debit card, or bank account balance. Once your order is submitted, you will be redirected to PayPal's site to complete the payment. Advantages of using PayPal include the traceability of your payment through your PayPal account, and the safety of your credit card number or bank information, as it is safely encrypted through PayPal's server, which limits the risk of unauthorized use.

Please note that your order will be shipped to the address listed on your PayPal account, so please ensure that it is correct and complete.


We accept the above credit/debit cards as payment:

  • Visa
  • MasterCard/Maestro

Note: We don't accept any other payment methods which are not listed.